Photo: A. Sattari
Drinking a cup of fair-trade green tea now,
Having eaten to excess
Suffering from stomachache
Got too obese
Watching "Family Guy" on TV
A piece of cake in front
Just happy of buying the fair-trade stuff
Cell rings
No, no, no!
Not less than 20$ per hour
I'm not that cheap...
Thousands of miles away
More than fourteen houndred millions of people
Earn less than 1.25 dollars a day
Cute child tired of a heavy full day hard work
With the ambition of sleeping under a shelter
She's just five
With the will to feel no more hungry
Praying for his young brother not to die because of illness
Shall I feel being respected one day?
Terrible image of the scavengers waiting for their dead bodies in her nightmares
And deep pain in her tender heart and soul
Tear drops falling from her innocent eyes
Being evaporated in the hot sub-saharan climate
Their trace shining on her dark, tiny cheeks...
Date: Feb. 21, 2009
Composed in: Nacka
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